David Hogg, one of the Seniors from Stoneman Douglas High School who survived the February 14, 2018 massacre and spearheaded the #neveragain movement against gun violence which led to the March for our Lives this past March 24, 2018, has been rejected from all University of California schools to which he applied to. With a 4.2 GPA, 1270 in SAT and strong leadership skills which helped organize a march such as the one he organized, it would seem that UC schools would be desperate to catch him and yet.....that has not been the case!
What more should students do to get accepted into their top schools? We hear you! Here at IvyWay we say: apply to many (but not too many!) within a balanced college list and be yourself in the application! Show your passion(s) through them! But if it happens and you still get rejected, do not despair and take personal any college rejections! So MANY factors are taken into consideration in the college admission process that maybe another student was accepted, and you rejected, simply because the school needed a cello player and you weren't one! So, please, please, please, do not take personal any of this. As cliche as it may sound, you WILL BE HAPPY wherever you end up attending! That's a guarantee!